Archive for March, 2018

Printing out a copy of TapForms internal structure using CouchDB

March 26th, 2018 | Category: couchdb,tapforms

One of the other users of TapForms had a feature request for TapForms to be able to print out the structure of a TapForms document so that one could figure out where a field was being used within the document including calculation and link references. I thought that was an interesting enough problem to solve and using the CouchDB copy I figured I’d give it a shot. Behind the scenes, TapForms 5 uses Couchbase Lite to store it’s data on iOS and Mac. Couchbase Lite also comes with support for doing Peer-To-Peer synchronisation as well as IBM Cloudant and CouchDB. I’m using synchronisation with CouchDB to get access to the data whilst using TapForms as my primary data entry system. I’ve previously written about using importing receipts into TapForms from my Mac so this builds on this by building a better understanding of the underlying data structure. Read more

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Importing receipts into TapForms with CouchDB and VueScan

March 05th, 2018 | Category: couchdb,tapforms

For the longest time I’ve collected receipts from when I’ve refuelled my car however I’ve never had a good way of figuring out how to import them and retain the images. In 2016 I picked up TapForms to replace Bento as my personal database tool that sync’d across Mac and iOS. With TapForms 5 the data storage layer moved over to Couchbase Lite with sync options being Peer to Peer and IBM Cloudant. Then TapForms later added support for syncing to CouchDB which made it easy to quickly within my own network set up sync and then add data. This brought me to the next challenge: how do I quickly add my backlog of receipts?

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