Dec 19

Today: 19-Dec-2008: Christmas time

Category: today

Today was one of those days where you work through things slowly and make progress but it really doesn’t feel like it. I have a whole heap of things that I want to do in the new year, some ideas on how to change the way that certain things work and a few other things so nothing much to put on my plate for the present term.

One thing that I do want to do is for the university build a much nicer timetabling system. At the moment they have a whole heap of static pages which are a PITA because if you want to see where your time table clashes are you usually end up having to scribble them down yourself, typically into some form of an Excel spreadsheet. Ages ago I wrote a tool that handled the scheduling stuff though I must admit I haven’t used it much in recent times because my time table wasn’t that complicated (down to one subject in first semester this year) but when I was using it the system generated composite timetables of different subjects. At one stage I was going to do work on it for a university assignment but ended up giving up because it would be too much work and I didn’t have that much time for the assignment.

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