Archive for January, 2011

VuFind, Single Sign On and authentication!

January 28th, 2011 | Category: authentication,vufind

The other day I finished up the work I had been doing for the the last week or so on integrating the different solutions for authenticating users at USQ. This evening I finished up the plugins and services required to handle authentication via USQ’s custom single sign-on (SSO) system (“USQAuth”), USQ’s single sign in (SSI) system (Oracle Internet Directory with an LDAP interface) and USQ Integrated Library System, Virtua) so that they all play nicely together. Something that one would think should be relatively easy to do turns out to be a non-trivial task.
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Your user knows where they live

January 23rd, 2011 | Category: web

Lately I’ve come across this curious trend of web sites that try to second guess where I live. As someone who has moved into a new unit in a new suburb I get interesting suggestions to say the least.
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Location services gone wrong

January 23rd, 2011 | Category: web

So in the last two days I’ve ventured onto the websites of Bunnings and Harvey Norman. Both sites use location services to help you to vary degrees but both really suck at it.
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