Archive for March, 2008

Today: 05-Mar-2008: The road to 1.5

March 05th, 2008 | Category: joomla,today

So a few months back we released Joomla! 1.5 which is really cool however like everything people are taking a while to upgrade. For a lot of people this is a problem bcause some components they want to use aren’t quite updated for 1.5, don’t work 100% properly in 1.5’s legacy mode or just plain don’t work at all.

An example of this is Project Fork. It appears to mostly work in legacy mode but it doesn’t like the users. The reason for this is a query that is silently failing which means that it can’t load users. The fix is available from the following location: You can apply it by downloading the zip file and extract the controlpanel.class.php file to the /administrator/components/com_hydra/classes directory and overwriting the existing file that is there (you might want to have a copy of that first). This should fix up the user system for Project Fork in 1.5 when accessed from the control panel.

Hopefully this helps someone out 😉